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2014-09-04 16:13:39  STLE  Sofie Peeters  浏览次数:

摘要:STLE 决定要更加积极地活跃于中国市场,于是STLE代表团于2014年4月来到中国与STLE 会员和相应组织进行会议、讨论。此次拜访以及会议讨论的结果是:一些目标和优先事项已经确定,而且我们也已经开始着手于一些活动。

Following the decision of STLE building up a more active presence in China, an STLE delegation has been visiting China last April and have had several meetings and discussions with STLE members and counterpart organizations. As a result of the visit and the meetings, several goals and priorities have been identified and we are already getting started with some of the activities as well.


STLE 决定要更加积极地活跃于中国市场,于是STLE代表团于20144月来到中国与STLE 会员和相应组织进行会议、讨论。此次拜访以及会议讨论的结果是:一些目标和优先事项已经确定,而且我们也已经开始着手于一些活动。

STLE是美国摩擦与润滑工程师学会(Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers)的简写,学会专注于摩擦学、润滑技术的交流。全球企业管理者、工程师、科学家、技术人员、学术研究人员和政府机构可以通过STLE分享、交流,探究摩擦学和润滑维护的先进理念和方法。

An STLE delegation (Maureen Hunter, STLE President; Bob Gresham, Director ofProfessional Development for STLE and Ed Salek, STLE Executive Director) will be visiting China again in September and they would like to take the opportunity to invite you to the “STLE China Technical Seminar” to bring the STLE community in China together and inform them on the current status of the STLE activities in China as well as the future plans and next steps.

STLE 代表团(Maureen Hunter: STLE 会长;Bob Gresham: STLE职业发展总监; Ed Salek: STLE执行董事)将于2014年9月再次拜访中国。他们希望借此机会邀请你来参加“STLE中国技术研讨会”,此次研讨会将会聚集STLE 在中国的相关人员,告知大家STLE在中国的活动情况以及未来和下一步计划。

The meeting would also feature two technical presentations by STLE experts:
·Maureen Hunter - STLE President and Technical Service Manager for King Industries in Norwalk, CT will be speaking on lubricant additive technology
·Bob Gresham, Director of Professional Development for STLEwill cover fundamentals of lubricants and lubrication technology

会上将由STLE 专家就以下技术主题进行演讲:
·Maureen Hunter - STLE 会长及康涅狄格州诺沃克市King Industries公司技术服务经理: 润滑剂添加剂技术
·Bob Gresham- STLE职业发展总监:润滑剂和润滑技术基本原理

Of course there will be time for discussion with both Maureen and Bob on these topics and other technical issues.
当然,你会有时间与Maureen和 Bob讨论以上主题以及其它技术问题。


Meeting: STLE China Technical Seminar

Time: Friday, September 26th from 3pm – 5pm

Location: Lubrizol Customer Conference Center at Park Center International, 1088 Fang Dian Road - Pudong District

会议: STLE中国技术研讨会

时间 926日星期五 下午3-5

地点: 路博润客户会议中心:上海浦东新区芳甸路1088号紫竹国际大厦


Please note the location has changed and the event will now be held at the Lubrizol Customer Conference Center as indicated above.




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